Sunday, December 18, 2011

Santa Face

It's droll, pointless reading for the most part. I'm talking about some hapless fek's account of his holiday preperations and the goings-on that surround it. Most everybody shares in the experience in some form or another to some extent anyway so why waste important minutes of your life reading about somebody else?
And really it's only comforting if you can relate to it. Some anecdote about the conversations you overhear in line at the post office. A minor squabble with a significant other about their choice of Christmas cards. Or if the cards will even reach their destination in the five mail days left or what message does it send about the sender for waiting so long.
Or how many trips back to the big box store to once again exchange outdoor lights after climbing on the roof and connecting all 8 strands before checking them on the ground only to find out one and a half strands actually work. Or how easy it is to walk into a bookstore with a long list only to walk out with purchases for yourself.
Or how time and money run out and you haven't found time to get that thoroughly thoughtful and close to perfect gift for your brother and how quickly it turns into a Lowe's gift card because you're at least certain there is a Lowe's in Boston.
I still love Christmas though.
Merry Christmas!

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