After leaving the Lodge and taking a lively/jittery canoe sojourn along Colter Bay, we make the hoof North, back up into Yellowstone. Only this time we take the route that runs through the center of the park along the West side of (its- freakin'- massive) Yellowstone Lake.
A common occurrence when puttzing through the park is coming up upon a string of parked cars along both sides of the road. You can rest assured that camera shutters are clicking away at something...big maybe? Kinda dangerous maybe?
On this leg we've seen more moose, more elk, 2 young grizzlies running across the road and between the cars, buffalo running along side us and a woman potentially getting gored by a buffalo running along side us as she stood in the middle of the road vying for what could be a fatal Kodak moment.
It wasn't.
Guess she misplaced the brochure that came in the park packet, warning visitors of the almost weekly staple of buffalo gorings within the park.
Really glad we took this way back. The scenery is just incredible. It really made me think about "all the other places" out there that we heven't seen or are even aware of and if we'll ever have the chance to discover some of them.
Another keen observation we made was discovering where all the hippies have migrated. Facial hair is still prevalent even among the men but gone are the Birkenstocks, replaced with Patagonia, North Face, Merrell and Keen. I'm thinkin' I'll trade my Chuck Taylors in for a pair of Chaco sandels...nah.
I'm so summer...Lotto or no lotto