Monday, July 13, 2009

Hillbilly Travelogue Part Dos

Coming down out of Yellowstone for the first glimpse of the Tetons is pretty spectacular. It's
difficult keeping your eyes on the road as it is without my wife exulting;"oh my god,
OH-MY-GOD". We arrive at Jackson Lake Lodge, check in, drop our gear off and chill a bit.
Only a half day has gone by and we've already spotted black bear, a wolf, elk and buffalo.
Jackson Lake Lodge itself turns out to be a pretty cool experience. Kind of a 60's modern,
prairie style exterior that holds within it restaurants, shopping and a grand living room with pert near 3 story windows overlooking the Tetons.
Day 2 begins with an outdoor chuckwagon style breakfast (whoa) and then on into Jackson Hole
which, if you find yourself lurking around the town square, is a bit on the cheezy/touristy side.
So we head out across the way and find ourselves at the base of the Tetons at Teton Village, a ski resort where there happens to be a fancy-schmansy art and antique show going on in the parking lot with para-gliders hovering high overhead. Nyz day.